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Outdoor Stories & special moments 2020

Being active in the outdoors, by climbing, hiking or surfing has always been incredibly important to me and in the outdoor community I have found my tribe. Through my art I aspire to express the connection I feel to natural landscape and the special moments that are born in them. In the many years clambering in mountains and diving under waves, so many stories! Stories are the net that connect us, this is how we connect to other and to ourselves, this is how we share our joy, our struggles, our humanity. 


 This project was born from a desire to give through my art and my drawings a voice (and a pen!) to everyone to share their stories, and showcase these special moments that make our heart expand and our soul happy, the moments were we find new challenges, dig deep and overcome them, these moments where we explore, connect, share and love. It was extra special drawing these memories in these times where we found ourselves spending a lot more time indoor that we usually do. Reflecting on these moments highlighted how precious they are to our hearts. and soul.

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